Clever Ways to Rainproof Your Size Inclusive Wedding Dress

No bride wants it to rain on their wedding day, but if you’re having an outdoor wedding in Jacksonville, FL a rainstorm can ambush you out of nowhere.
One thing is for certain: wedding dresses and water don’t mix. You’ve already gone through the months-long process of choosing and perfecting your gown, now how can you keep it pristine?
We won’t let anyone rain on your parade (!). If you’re worried about rain on your big day, we have some expert tips to keep your dress dry and dazzling.
Get a Game Plan
You’ll feel more peace of mind with a contingency plan in place. Whether it’s you and your family handling the wedding details or you have a wedding planner on hand, get the gang together and discuss what happens in case of rain.
Put someone in charge of the planning and make sure everyone is on the same page before the big day.
Book a Venue With Indoor Space
Check with your wedding venue on whether they have an indoor area, such as a ballroom or
convention area as a backup up plan in case it starts drizzling during the ceremony.
That way, your guests quickly run under shelter, your dress is preserved, and the festivities can continue without a hitch.
This is usually easy to book if you’re having a beach wedding at a resort or hotel. If you’re having a large wedding and are unsure about whether there is an indoor area, talk to your wedding planner to see what they recommend.
How to Rainproof Your Plus Size Wedding Dress in Jacksonville
Finally, you need to think about your gorgeous gown. Here are some easy ways to protect your wedding dress and actually incorporate rain into the mix to make your wedding unique and fun.
1. Wear waterproof makeup, such as mascara and eyeliner to avoid a runny situation.
2. Keep cute accessories on hand for guests to use, such as colorful or embellished umbrellas.
3. Utilize valet parking to make it easier for guests to stay dry when they arrive.
4. Dance in the rain wearing stylish rainboots and twirling a lace or clear plastic umbrella for a fun wedding photoshoot idea.
5. Consider wearing a jacket as an accessory in case it rains to add a protective layer to your look.
6. Talk with your hairdresser about the best hairstyle that won’t frizz up or flatten in the humidity.